Charter of Behavior
Based on our corporate philosophy, we will take a highly ethical perspective and faithfully comply with all laws and regulations, while striving to improve corporate value by governing ourselves and contributing to society with social common sense.
- We will provide customers with a stable supply of electricity at a stable price, gaining customers trust and satisfaction.
- We will comply with laws and regulations, social ethical rules and our own company rules and act with common sense.
- We will conduct appropriate trading that is fair, transparent and in free competition. Moreover, we will maintain sound and normal relationships with political entities and governments.
- We will resolutely oppose antisocial forces and organizations.
- We will manage company information appropriately and strive to communicate broadly with society, including stakeholders such as shareholders and disclose corporate information in a timely and appropriate manner.
- We will actively strive to preserve the global environment and actively implement social contribution activities as a “good corporate citizen.”
- We will ensure safe, comfortable working environments and build a dynamic company that respects employees’ human rights, individuality and autonomy.
- If situations that contravene this Charter arise, the top management will express internally and externally a position appropriate for resolving the issues themselves and strive to uncover the cause of the issue and prevent a recurrence.
Furthermore, the top management will rapidly and accurately disclose information to society, be accountable and while clarifying authority and responsibilities, rigorously take appropriate action, including cases where the problem originates from within the top management.
Each of the executives and employees of eREX Co.,Ltd. will strictly comply with this Charter and make their best effort to uphold it in their daily activities.
Top management recognizes that its own role is to embody the spirit of this Charter and will strive to fulfill this responsibility.