Environmental Data

GHG emissions data

Based on the GHG Protocol, the erex Group began calculating GHG emissions as an indicator for achieving carbon neutrality in fiscal 2021. The Company identified and organized its calculation methods for each relevant business activity and emission source and calculated its Scope 1, Scope 2, and Scope 3 emissions. erex will continue to calculate its emissions and monitor the environmental impact of the Group’s operations.

Actual GHG emissions (Unit: t-CO2)

Scope 1*1 Scope 2 Scope 3*2 Total
FY2021 4,975 3,990 3,008,877 3,017,842
FY2022 483,134 1,391 1,980,456 2,464,981
FY2023 630,226 3,279 1,508,534 2,142,039

In using GHG emissions as an indicator from now, it is important to recognize that GHG emissions could temporarily increase due to business growth, aggressive global expansion, and the Company’s fuel conversion project (gradual shift from coal-fired power plants to exclusively biomass-fired power plants).*3 erex is working to reduce in-house GHG emissions through various initiatives while simultaneously working to increase emission reductions known as “avoided emissions” in the future. The erex Group defines avoided emissions as global carbon emissions that it can reduce through its business activities, for example, by offering CO2-free plans to its customers.

  • *1 In August 2022, erex acquired the Itoigawa Power Plant (a coal-fired power plant) as part of its coal-fired power conversion plan. As a result, Scope 1 emissions increased from fiscal 2021 to fiscal 2023.
  • *2 Scope 3 emissions decreased in fiscal 2023 due to a decrease in the amount of electricity sold.
  • *3 Under erex’s fuel conversion plan, the Group’s Scope 1 emissions will increase in the short term due to the acquisition of coal-fired power plants. However, by partially converting coal-fired power plants to biomass power plants and increasing the ratio of biomass to fossil fuels used, erex can mitigate its increased Scope 1 emissions.