
In order to provide "safe", "secure", and "reliable" services to our customers and to "co-create" with many others, erex is working to establish corporate ethics by ensuring that each and every employee of erex Group is aware of and thoroughly committed to compliance, and will always promote business operations and sound corporate activities based on high ethical standards.


Dialog with Shareholders and Investors

image:Dialog with Shareholders and Investors

erex Group recognizes that dialogue with shareholders and investors, both domestically and internationally, is essential for sustainable growth and enhancement of corporate value, and is actively working to ensure fair information disclosure and ongoing dialogue as the foundation for this.
In FY2020, erex Group strengthened communication with investors and conducted IR interviews with 306 investors.

Responsibility as a Corporate Citizen

image:Responsibility as a Corporate Citizen

In the process of power source development and power sales, erex Group aims to pass on an even-better society to future generations, and as a long-standing new power company, will meet the expectations of society through power business, work to solve various social problems, and actively contribute to society as a good corporate citizen.

Aiming for a Comfortable Work Environment for Everyone

image:Aiming for a Comfortable Work Environment for Everyone

At erex Group, we offer a full range of support systems that take into consideration the life planning of our valued employees, including the granting of paid vacations from the first year of employment, a defined contribution pension plan (401K), stock ownership incentives, and retirement allowance system. In addition, we are committed to creating a workplace environment where everyone can work comfortably and demonstrate their abilities, such as through the provision of assistance aimed at stimulating communication among employees.