Energy is indispensable for people's lives. As a company that handles energy, we are committed to supporting people's normal and secure lives, and are also committed to sustainability through the realization of a de-carbonized society so that our future generations can continue to take this for granted. We provide new innovations to help realize a global de-carbonized society. We aim to achieve both de-carbonization and stable supply through fuel development and the creation of environmental added value.
We will fulfill our corporate responsibilities from a broad perspective, including support for the people who make up society, the communities that produce power plants and fuel, employees, stakeholders, and the supply chain.
Basic Sustainability Policy
To Stop Climate Change with Challenge and Speed
To become a de-carbonization company that continues to evolve for a better life of people
The mission of erex is to supply safe and stable energy that is both environmentally friendly and economically rational, and to realize a global, sustainable, de-carbonized society.
Leveraging our track record in the biomass power generation business, we will work on a variety of projects not only in Japan but also widely overseas, to solve issues of energy self-sufficiency, poverty, and disparity. We also aim to build a global de-carbonization chain by returning the environmental value generated, etc. within Japan.
Our mission is to support people's lives and create a better future together. We will continue to evolve with a focus on "challenge and speed".
Promotion Structure for Sustainability Activities
In FY2022, we established the Sustainability Committee to build a governance structure for sustainability. The Sustainability Committee, which is chaired by the director in charge of corporate planning and includes the managing director and other members, promotes and oversees erex Group's activities across divisions to realize a sustainable society, including climate change countermeasures and human capital, and a secretariat consisting of three full-time members was established within the Corporate Planning Department. Through the committee, we will strive to conduct appropriate management not only from a short-term perspective but also from the viewpoint of mid-to-long-term corporate value enhancement.
In addition, regarding individual initiatives related to sustainability, the Environment, Society, and Governance Subcommittees are run by members selected from each division and affiliated companies under the secretariat, and the matters discussed at the subcommittees are reported and discussed at the Sustainability Committee held at least twice a year. The Management Committee receives the matters discussed and decided by the Sustainability Committee and accepts them as important management and business strategies, and when necessary, consults and makes management decisions. The Board of Directors will supervise the implementation plan for climate change issues, etc.