Regarding the identification of materiality, under the direction of the director in charge of corporate planning, the secretariat plays a central role in collecting and organizing information, reports to the Sustainability Committee and deliberates on it. And the decisions are made at the board of directors meeting.

We aim to realize a de-carbonized society by expanding the use of renewable energy, with biomass power generation playing a key role together with solar power generation, hydroelectric power generation, and consideration of the use of new energy sources such as hydrogen. With GHG emissions calculations started in fiscal 2021, we will reduce our own GHG emissions and increase the amount of reduction contribution.
Through biomass fuel development, power generation, and power retail, we will fulfill our corporate social responsibilities by creating local jobs and providing a stable power supply. Profits earned through business will be used to revitalize the local economy through investments and other means. We will also actively invest in human capital, including support for international students from Vietnam.
In order to clarify management responsibility and accountability for stakeholders including shareholders, customers, and employees, and to provide the benefits of maximizing corporate value, our basic policy is to ensure transparency and soundness in management and business execution, and to promote thorough compliance, while at the same time to promote efficient management. As we move forward with these initiatives, we will strive to further enhance corporate governance.