Announcement of the joint operation for the largest wooden biomass electric power business in Uruma-shi, Okinawa-ken

erex Co., Ltd.
Kyuden Mirai Energy Company,Incorporated
Okinawa Gas.
Kyudenko Corporation
Tokyo Gas Engineering Solutions Corporation

We are pleased to announce that today, Kyuden Mirai Energy Corporation, Toyo Kanetsu Corporation, Okinawa Gas Corporation, Kyudenko Corporation, Tokyo Gas Engineering Solutions Co. and local companies based in Okinawa-ken made investments to “Okinawa Uruma New Energy KK” which is a company established by erex Co.,Ltd. In July 2017. Please be noted that all 11 companies will jointly launch a wooden biomass power generation project in Uruma-shi, Okinawa-ken.

The project is a largest wooden biomass power generation business in Okinawa-ken with an output of 49,000 kW.
erex Co., Ltd., Kyuden Mirai Energy Company,Incorporated, Tokyo Gas Engineering Solutions Corporation, and TOYO KANETSU K.K. will operate the power plant, and Kyudenko Corporation will be in charge of the electrical installation work at the power plant.
We will operate this business by combining our knowledge and taking the most of each company’s strengths.
In addition, the investment from Okinawa Gas and other local companies based in Okinawa-ken will surely strengthen the relationship with the local community.
All the investing companies are committed to promoting the project in a safe and stable manner. We will also contribute in introducing the use of renewable energy and revitalizing the local community by reducing its environmental burden.



項目 内容
事業主 沖縄うるまニューエナジー株式会社
発電所名 中城バイオマス発電所
所在地 沖縄県うるま市中城湾港新港地区工業団地内
出資会社および出資比率 イーレックス株式会社(44.8%)
東京ガスエンジニアリングソリューションズ株式会社(2.7%)地元企業等 5 社(11.2%)
定格出力 49,000 kW
年間発電量 約 350,000 MWh
一般家庭約 11 万世帯分の年間消費電力に相当※1
CO2削減効果 約 270,200 t-CO2/年(推定)※2
燃料使用量(予定) パーム椰子殻(PKS)、木質ペレット 約 20~25 万 t/年
着工予定 2019 年 6 月
営業運転開始予定 2021 年 7 月末

※1 1世帯当り 247.8kWh/月(平成 27 年度)で算出。出典:電気事業連合会「電力事情 について」
※2 沖縄電力㈱の CO2排出係数「0.772kg-CO2 / kWh」(平成 29 年度)を使用